Visit the 2 top carnival destinations


Visit the 2 top carnival destinations 

The carnival festive is coming closer and closer every new day as for the year 2018 the carnival is at the 13th of February.

Carnival is the a great moment between Christmas and East to remind us that there is still a child in our souls. We are going to take an off and it is the perfect time to make a trip with our friends and with our families.

If you are looking for somewhere to go we suggest you the 2 top destinations for carnival which are Venice in Italy and Rio De Janeriro in Brazil.

The carnival festive in Venice 

Carnival, a word that comes from the latin “carnem levare” (reduce meat), in Italy is considered an important festival and it’s celebrated with various ways like parades, disguises, music, dances and crazy parties. Mischief and pranks are very common during the carnival and from there comes a phrase that the Italians use, every joke is acceptable during the carnival.

The Italian carnival has its roots to pagans fiests and traditions, as it happens with every traditional festivals and it’s customized to apply to the rituals of the Catholics. The first official record for public celebrations characterized as carnivale is dated somewhere at the beginning of the second millennium (about 1094 A.D.)

The masks are a significant part of the carnival in Venice, which is the city with the best handmade traditional masks. The masks are available to anyone all the year and the prices can be from pretty cheap to pretty high for artistic masks. You can take a walk to the roads and alleys or to central points of Venice so you can see the great variety of masks that are exhibited to the display windows of shops.


For the local people of Rio the carnival doesn’t mean funny costumes, the important thing for them is the dance, Samba, and the well built bodies that executes it. For that reason their outfits are as small and fancy as possible. It’s very helpful that February and March are summer months for the Southern hemisphere.

The first carnival in Rio de Janeiro took place at 1723. It had many common characteristics with Portuguese Lent celebrations that are mixed with pagans rituals of native population. The mixture was explosive with colors, dance and ecstatic mood.

Nowadays in Rio you can find about 200 samba schools divided in 5 categories. It’s like a regular championship. You can’t participate in the carnival, which takes place from 1984 in a specific road designed especially for that reason and it’s called Sambodromo, if you are not a member of a dance school. Every single one chooses the theme and dresses up accordingly and the members can be up to 4000 dancers and musicians.

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